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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  October 7, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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unemployment numbers to see if they've gotten better or worse. today we learned that unemployment in september was 9.1%, unchanged, stuck in the 9s now for 27 of the past 29 months. in september, the economy did gain 103,000 jobs, but that's a drop in the bucket when you consider the net job loss since the recession began i 6,649,000. anthony mason is here with insight into why businesses aren't hiring. anthony? >> reporter: these were better-than-expected numbers, scott, but not good enough. why are businesses holding back? we asked the c.e.o. of a top american company. in your view, where's the economy right now? >> while things aren't booming, things are okay. >> reporter: david cote heads honeywell, a $33 billion company. as c.e.o. he presides over more
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than 130,000 employees around the world. >> hi, guys, how are you? >> >> reporter: in late summer at honeywell's new jersey headquarters, cote grew concerned as the debt ceiling debate paralyzed washington. >> in august i talked with my entire staff, every one of my liz beaders and said "slow everything down. slow your hiring plans, make sure you take a good look at all spending. >> reporter: honeywell maicts everything to airport technology, he's still being cautious. >> are you become to hiring now or not? >> we here in the same mode we were in before. >> so you're operating under the possibility of a resession in. >> there could very well be a recession. we just don't know. >> at the same time, cote nose caution itself can paralyzed the economy. >> if all of douse that, which is the prudent thing to do, we can get exactly what you were
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trying to avoid. >> you talk yourself into a recession? >> yeah, it happens. >> reporter: the honeywell c.e.o. got a closeup look at the capitol's bitter politics when the president appointed him to his commission on fiscal reform last year. you gained an insight into washington that a lot of business leaders don't have. what did that show you? >> (laughs) i said to those guys more than once-- because we had good people in that commission. i told them "i don't know how you get your job done down here." everything's ruled by what i called the three hs. hysteria, histrionics and hyperbole. they take what should be a logical discussion and make it ridiculous. >> reporter: cote says it's up to washington to set the tone that will make businesses confident confident enough to hire again. >> we just argue. >> reporter: cote sees the economy headed for slow growth, not a recession but says he can't afford to be wrong. >> pelley: what will it take to get david cote and others to start hiring again? >> reporter: cote says, and i've heard this from other
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business leaders. if congress could agree on a clear plan for dealing with the debt that would go a long way to restoring confidence. right now unless business is booming, nobody wants to take the risk of hiring. >> pelley: thanks, anthony. you know, looking through the labor department report today, this really caught our attention. nearly half of the 103,000 new jobs really weren't new. the number includes 45,000 verizon workers who went back to work after a strike. unemployment has become chronic for a lot of folks. today's labor department report says the average length of unemployment is 40.5 weeks, and this is a new record. the longer someone is out of work, the harder it is for them to find a job and we wondered about the psychological toll that's taking so we asked elaine quijano to look into that for us. >> the hardest thing is watching your life unravel. >> reporter: matt stewart lost his radio job in raleigh three
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years ago. >> i'm sure i'm depressed i just don't know i am. >> reporter: his unemployment benefits ran out in april. >> i feel like a burden everyday, especially to my sister and brother-in-law. i mean... >> reporter: he's living in his sister's basement because he lost his home to foreclosure. this used to be your house? >> yes. >> reporter: this was his first time back. what are you thinking? >> a lot of tough memories. >> reporter: two million americans have been out of work for two years or more. the emotional toll can be as great as the financial cost. >> i think it's like a silent mental health epidemic that we have. >> reporter: carl van horn has studied the mental health of the unemployment. he's found 63% feel ashamed and half avoid contact with friends. >> the way that stress manifests itself is ways that not only hurt them and their families but also hurt their prospect, often
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for getting another job because they withdraw from social networks and connections with other people. >> reporter: according to the c.d.c., more than 6% of employed americans say they're depressed. that number jumps to more than 21% among the jobless. >> you get to that feeling that you're... you know, you're very alone out there, you know? because you're not part of everyday society. >> reporter: matt stewart loved his life in radio. now he's 51 years old and living on $50 a week in food stamps. you think this whole experience has changed you? >> oh, drastically. drastically. >> reporter: stewart is not looking for professional help because he says he can't afford it. elaine quijano, cbs news, raleigh, north carolina. >> pelley: in libya tonight, you're about to see there is vicious fighting in what could be the revolution's final battle. moammar qaddafi's forces have made a stand in the former dictator's hometown of surt and
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allen pizzey is just outside the city. >> reporter: the battle for surt has come down to street fighting. when it's over, the former rebel will declare victory over the whole country, even though other pockets of resistance remain. none of them will be as hard to dislodge as the die-hard qaddafi loyalists hiding out in the place where he was born. you think they'll give up or will they fight to the death? >> i hope they give up. i really hope they give up. >> reporter: if they don't? >> well, the fighting is going to go on until we take the town. it's imperative that we take the town. we must. >> reporter: snipers are exact ago heavy toll as the battle rages for a conference center qaddafi built to showcase his hometown. a steady stream of wounded arrived at a triage center, more than from any other battle in the weeks the fighting has been going on here. the most serious cases were taken to the nearest hospital 100 miles away in a helicopter
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piloted from detectors of qaddafi's air force. the value of this city is more symbolic than strategic and the real prize is hiding inside it. rebels commanders believe one of qaddafi's sons is there and he want tim him alive. but they're still short on tactics and communications. in their effort to surround the city, brigades with no central command advanced from the east and west and ended up shooting at each other. allen pizzey, cbs news outside surt. >> pelley: from war to peace, the nobel peace prize was award today to three advocates for women's rights. a leader of antigovernment protests in yemen is the first arab woman to win the prize. liberian president ellen johnson sirleaf is africa's first freely elected female head of state. the other peace prize winner is also from liberia and was here in new york today so we asked michelle miller to introduce us. >> finally.
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finally. finally we are in the limelight. >> reporter: when men failed to end 14 years of civil war in liberia, leymah gbowee rallied the women of her nation to stop it. why do you think you were able to accomplish what politicians and generals and war lords were not? >> we succeeded because-- and this is the lesson for the rest of the world-- there is no way in this world where someone gives you a slap and you slap them back and expect that it's settled. violence has never settled peace. i tell people i was 17 when the war started. the first time i saw a dead body i freaked out. by 31 i cross over a dead body without thinking twice. that's not a normal life. >> reporter: her activism is the focus of a critically acclaimed documentary "pray the devil back to hell." she began with counseling child soldiers who fought in liberia's civil war. later she led a campaign against
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rape, uniting muslim and christian women in i it sit-insd daily marches. >> the pains of a muslim woman is no different from the pains of a christian woman. when that message finally sunk there was no turning back. >> reporter: they dressed in white to symbolize peace. why did you think this strategy would work? >> we didn't think about success, we were just determined to be out there for as long as it took. if your society is up side down, you turn it up right. >> reporter: and soon developed a strategy to wage sex strikes to get their husbands on board. >> we felt they were too quiet and they were allowing these evil men to walk all over them. >> reporter: she's now working to spread her message of empowerment to women in other nations torn by war. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> pelley: this is the 10th anniversary of the war in afghanistan and we will take you a school that could help determine the future of the
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country. the jury hears from the doctor on trial in the death of michael jackson. and super bowl champs finally make it to the white house after a 25-year timeout when the cbs news continues. from gazers... to grazers... kenmore is in the lives of over 100 million americans. that's why no fridge in america has more capacity. we put more in, so you get more out. kenmore. but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! ♪ a refrigerator has never been hacked. an online virus has never attacked a corkboard.
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>> pelley: ten years ago today, the u.s. military began bombing targets in afghanistan. it was just three weeks after 9/11. no one knew it at the time, but a secret team of c.i.a. officers was already on the ground paving the way for the fall of the taliban. most of these operatives have never been named, but tonight david martin hears the story from the man who led the covert operation. >> reporter: by the time bombing started, the c.i.a.'s gary schroen had been on the ground for nearly two weeks. one last mission for a 59-year-old man who on 9/11 had been filling out his retirement papers. >> everybody in the united states wanted to be the first person to go after bin laden and get this hunt going and they had given me that role. >> reporter: schroen, who had spent 3 years as a covert operator, was to lead a small team of americans-- shown here with their faces blurred in a photo released by the c.i.a. the c.i.a.'s chief of counterterrorism gave him
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explicit orders to kill. >> "i want you to cut bin laden's head off, put it on dry ice and send it back to me so i can show the president." >> reporter: was he serious? >> yeah, i think so. >> reporter: c.i.a. pilots flew the team-- code name jaw breaker-- in a russian helicopter over a 14,000 foot pass into northern afghanistan armed with a small fortune. >> we had $3 million in cash in hundred-dollar bills that were nonsequential and shrink wrapped in hundred thousand dollar bundles. >> reporter: how heavy is $3 million? >> about 50 pounds. >> reporter: 50 pounds of cash. >> 50 pounds of cash. >> reporter: that one helicopter which not by accident had the tail number 91101 was their only way in and their only way out. there was no rescue plan. >> the military said that it was too dangerous to send their personnel in. and so we went by ourselves.
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>> reporter: the c.i.a. and military now work closely together in operations like the bin laden raid. it wasn't like that at the beginning. >> the whole u.s. military was caught flat footed. i don't think anyone had ever raised the issue how do we go into afghanistan? >> reporter: the c.i.a. team linked up with fighters from the northern alliance who were trying to break through taliban front lines and head for kabul. they couldn't do it without u.s. air strikes. who's directing the bombing? >> nobody was calling the shots. it was almost useless bombing. because it... we really weren't impacting the front lines which is where the taliban fighters were hunkered down. >> reporter: it took another two weeks for american special forces to arrive from w laser devices to pinpoint the targets. then the bombing finally began shifting to the front lines. once it did... >> our guys were listening to the radios and the panic, the screaming, the shouting as bunkers down the line were going
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up from 2000 pound bombs, i mean, they were just simply devastated. and they broke. >> reporter: kabul foal the northern alliance within a week. by then schroen had spent $5.2 million. that turned out to be just the first down payment on a war which has now cost some $450 billion. david martin, cbs news, the pentagon. >> pelley: and, of course, there is the human cost. 1,802 americans have lost their lives in the afghan war. 13,011 have been wounded. michael jackson's doctor gives his account of what happened the day the singer died. that's coming up next. so easyd campbell's cream of mushroom soup to make them and a hungry family to love them. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. and a hungry family to love them.
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>> pelley: there was an extraordinary moment today in a los angeles courtroom. the jury in the conrad murray trial heard the doctor tell in his own voice what happened the day michael jackson died. murray is accused of involuntary manslaughter, giving jackson an overdose of sedatives and an anesthetic.
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bill whitaker is following the case. >> reporter: attorneys for conrad murray have not said whether the doctor will take the stand, but today prosecutors made sure jurors got to hear michael jackson's personal physician in the interview he voluntarily gave police. doctor murray said the day he died michael jackson begged the doctor to help him sleep. >> reporter: throughout the night murray said he gave jackson sedatives: valium, lorazapam, midazolam, but none of them worked. >> i told him,: >> reporter: at around 10:00 a.m., jack son asked for some propofol, the white liquid anesthetic usually used only in hospitals which jackson called
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milk. >> reporter: murray's attorney, who was there with him during the questioning, asked if the doctor had taken necessary precautions. dr. murray said yes, then added this, which is now the main line of defense, that jackson knew how to administer or push the drug himself at one point telling the doctor: >> reporter: the prosecution is methodically trying to build a case that dr. murray's gross negligence caused michael jackson's death. but, scott, the defense counters that michael jackson wanted the powerful drug so badly that he administered a fatal dose
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himself when the doctor wasn't around. >> pelley: bill, thank you very much. at the white house today, president obama welcomed the super bowl champs, his hometown chicago bears. now, you may be thinking wait a minute, the bears haven't won in 25 years. well, these are the 1985/'86 bears. coach mike ditka, quarter back jim mcmahon and many others. they never got to the white house back then. their visit was canceled after the "challenger" disaster. ten years into the afghan war a look at what the u.s. is fighting for when we come back. [ male announcer ] if you're only brushing, add listerine® total care for more complete oral care.
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week we've been reporting from afghanistan leading up to today, the 10th anniversary of the war. a lot of folks wonder why we've been in afghanistan so long and we found part of the answer behind a mud wall on a hillside in kandahar province. >> reporter: everything america is trying to accomplish in afghanistan is represented in these four tents. this is a school set up by american soldiers under the command of captain zach johnson from woodbridge, virginia. >> kids being educated, that's
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what's going to be the future of this country. >> reporter: johnson is with the 287th infantry from the 3rd brigade combat team out of fort drum, new york. the brigade is fighting through the birthplace of the taliban. >> roger that, that's a good copy. >> pelley: and that has been costly. since the brigade took over here in april, 28 of its soldiers have been killed, 300 wounded. all of that for the opportunity to move into the villages to build roads, markets, and johnson's school. how do you measure success? >> people don't want to stand up for themselves because there's a lot of shooting going on and that's where we come in. we hope the make sure security is good. >> reporter: but fear of the taliban is strong. we were in the school a few days ago and found children teaching children. the adult teachers had run off because of threats from the taliban. another school nearby was burned in the night.
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johnson's men increased security and rounded up those who'd made the threats. what's been the effect in the school. >> teachers are still coming back. i'm sure there's even kids around here today that are here at school that have been physically intimidated by the taliban themselves and they're still coming. >> pelley: what does that tell you? >> it tells me the taliban doesn't have the power they think they do and they're getting desperate if they're poking on little kids and the kids are seeing they're not a threat anymore and they're still coming because they want to be taught. >> pelley: it might take a company of soldiers to assure a village that the school is safe, but only the whisper of a threat to shut it down. that's one reason afghanistan takes so long. ten years ago, u.s. forces answered the worst attack ever on the american homeland.
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